1. The origin of the corset
The first corsets can be found to have been dated all the way back to pre-historic times. Neolithic pottery has found in Norfolk, England that contained drawings of women wearing animal hides that were laced down the front. Around 8000 B.C. humans gained more knowledge and wanted to live more civilized lives. They started to live in communities and developed a more disciplined way of life. Humans started living in houses and made pottery and started weaving. The Agava plant was used as both needle and thread in one. Humans used the Agava Plant as needles. The plant was also soaked leaving pulp stringy fibers as thread. They used a rock to clean the animal skins to prepare the hide for clothing. Needles from bone were also used to sew together skins.
Prehistoric people used the agava plant as thread and needles to create clothing from animal skins. | |